
Snow day.....

Our possibility of snow turned into reality this morning when we awoke to about an inch or two of the white stuff on the ground with more coming down. The snow has continued throughout most of the day but temps have been hovering around the freezing mark so some has accumulated and some has melted. The roads which have been mostly a wet, slushy consistency will surely start to freeze over now that the sun has retreated.  It also seems that the hills above have unleashed a new batch of fog which is slowly descending into the orchards and vineyards below.

We might get a reprieve tomorrow but Thursday we may be in for Round 2 of this fluffy white stuff. Not much moves around in the area when the snow flies and these curvy roads get slick. If the sun pops out tomorrow it should make for some prime photo taking opportunities. It's been a hot cup of tea kind of afternoon and now I think its time for my 2nd cup. 

Tuesday morning - all quiet in the vineyard  
Tuesday morning - snowing and some fog 
Late afternoon - snow has tapered off  but now the fog is rolling in.

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