
More Simiane-la-Rotonde

View from the back of Simiane-la-Rotonde
A few light sprinkles of rain falling outside as I type a few words on my keyboard. The weather has been back and forth the last 2-3 days with rain, then sunshine followed by clouds...and then more rain. Yesterday morning was very cloudy and gray but around noon it turned into a super clear day with fluffy cotton clouds drifting lazily across a very blue sky.

Last week I traveled to the village of Simiane-la-Rotonde which is known for its fields of lavender that dot the countryside. I've posted a few more photos that I snapped while strolling in and around the small village of about 500-600 inhabitants.
Old church on the outskirts of town that has seen better days 
From the church looking down towards the village
Another great view from the terrace

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