

Ruins leading up to the castle. Center left is an old dam holding back a lake the village used for drinking water.
Not the best  location for flowers to grow but they seem to be doing just fine
Part of the old walls that surrounded the medieval village. 
This past weekend was spent with Naomie and Kiara as their parents were in northern France.  The girls always enjoy a road trip with us and we made good use of the nice weather both days to take them out to breathe some of that fresh air and get some exercise. They both have a ton of energy which is much better expended outdoors instead of indoors...if you see the house after 2 days of them being here you will know what I mean... :-)

Sunday afternoon we decided on a short trip to the town of St-Saturnin-les-Apt. We have visited this town before but hadn't made the walk up the narrow road past the ruins and to the old church-castle that looks out over the village and the valley below. St Saturnin lies directly north of Apt and sits right at the end of the valley and the beginning of the Vaucluse mountains. The origins of the town date back 1000 years, so needless to say there's alot of history associated with this large village. This will be another place we will have to make a return visit as the skies darkened and the rains came which cut our trip short.

View of the lake - we started to hear thunder at this point. 
Looking south and east. The Luberon range in the distance
Narrow walkway up to the castle-church. (I've heard it called both)  As you approach the entrance the path gets much narrower. In some places only 30-40 feet wide with a drop straight down on both sides.

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