
It's been awhile.....

Yes, it has been awhile since my last post and I know I have been dragging my feet the last few days. Actually the camera hasn't had much of a workout the last week or so as the weather has been very uncooperative. Lots of clouds, wind and a little rain have zapped some of my picture taking initiative but hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things. The last few days have been much better so hopefully the weekend will provide some photo opportunities for the camera and me. 

A little over a week ago we made the short drive up onto the ridge that sits just south and east of here. It's takes maybe 5-10 minutes to get to where we parked the car to begin our walk with Rudy. It's a nice area with some good places to hike around as well as enjoy some of those panoramic views in just about every direction. I have posted some of those photos below.

The moon is supposed to be the closest to the earth than at any other time this year,  tomorrow (Saturday) night. If the clouds stay away I hope to find a high spot to set my camera and tripod up in order to catch Mr Moon when he makes his appearance on the horizon. Good thing it's not tonight because clouds have been building this afternoon and it looks like rain....again. 

We stopped to talk with an older man who lived in a one room rock house on the ridge.  Naturally Rudy made friends very quickly with both his cats.
Looking down into the valley and towards the eastern part of the Luberon range.
Another view of the valley below
A healthy looking wheat field with the Vaucluse range in the distance. 
That one room rock house I mentioned. The garden already planted and if you look closely at the tree in the middle you will see cat number 2.  Rudy had just introduced himself to this cat....the cat was not impressed. 
Cat number 2....ready for Rudy to exit the immediate area.
I have no idea what kind of old piece of machinery this is.  I think though,  that with a little grease and some paint it would be as good as new. 
An abandoned house...possibly used by hunters during hunting season. 

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