
North trip: Part 2

Our trip last week to the north included many photo opportunities along the way and naturally I took advantage of them. I took so much video and photos that I filled up the memory card on my camera which is something I have never done before.

The region we explored is north and east of Mont Ventoux and the landscape is a little different from the south side where we live. The valleys are much narrower and the countryside just seemed a little greener. Also, the area is a little more remote with the valley we were in very prone to sudden and dangerous flash floods...luckily we chose a nice and sunny day to travel there... :-)

After traveling east of the village of Montbrun-les-Bains we turned around and headed back west for the second part of our journey which took us into the Toulourenc valley which flows, of course, the Toulourenc river. This "river" is more like a small stream but can flood suddenly during heavy rain... however on this day it was within its banks which made for a nice swim for Rudy.

Mont Ventoux with telephoto lens
Mont Ventoux - taken from same location with regular lens
Arched bridge spanning the Toulourenc river
Pasture and a freshly planted field of....your guess is as good as mine
A few small villages on the hillsides in this area with Brantes being one of the little towns we stopped and hiked around. Lots of narrow pathways and walkways as well as some nice views to the south.  A quiet and peaceful village, a little removed from the large tourist crowd....which is probably just how the 67 inhabitants of the place prefer it.
View back to the east 
Brantes - I think the walkway is wider than this house.
Faiencerie - A business that makes handmade decorative tiles 
Toulourenc valley below Brantes

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