
Bishops of Cavaillon chateau....

During our 2nd trip in a week to Fountaine de Vaucluse we finally walked and climbed the trail to the Bishops of Cavaillon chateau. The 14th century ruins are perched high above the village and would have been a good place to make a "last stand" against the enemy, although I'm not sure if that was ever necessary.

The trail ascends quickly but it's a fairly short hike to the top, with some climbing on slick rocks involved. Part of the path hugs the side of a cliff so I really needed to watch my step so I wouldn't end up taking a very quick trip back to the village below. Once at the top I was treated with some nice views of the Sorgue river directly below as well as the cliffs to the north that tower high above the ruins.
One of the few walls that remain standing. 

The old entrance to the chateau 

At the ruins looking north. 
From here you could observe anyone below...friend or foe.

The Sorgue river before it makes a big left turn and enters the main village. 
When you visit some of these rock fortresses (or what's left of them) you can't help but think about all the backbreaking work that it took to quarry, cut, carry and then put all those rocks into place....in very high places. I'm sure chiropractry would have been a booming business during construction time.. :-)

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