
All things American.....

The church of Notre Dame du Lac which sits right next to the Sorgue river greets you as you enter Le Thor. 
Earlier this month we spent a Saturday afternoon in the town of Le Thor which is only a 15 minute drive southeast of Vedene. The purpose of our trip was to see what their American Festival was all about. I really wasn't expecting much but I must admit I was very surprised and impressed with the festival and the large crowds who attended during the day.

There were a fair amount of old American cars and trucks as well as Harley Davidson motorcycles. One of the courtyards in the center of town was filled with people in cowboy hats line dancing to some American country music....and they must have been practicing because they were very good. Lots of people dressed up in American clothes from the 1940's & 1950's singing songs from that era....with a definite French accent.

Still not much color on the leaves here with more falling to the ground quickly turning from green to brown. It's turned much colder and very windy today with the forecast calling for 50 mph winds tomorrow which should separate many leaves from the trees. I'll still keep holding out hope that fall is a little late here and we'll still see some color on those remaining leaves.

I'm not so sure this was American made but it sure looks like it would be alot of fun to ride.  
I think this Cadillac might have been slightly modified from its original version. 
Old Chevy pickup with Texas license plates. 
Just part of the huge crowd enjoying the festival 
These ladies were singing alot of those American songs from the 40's & 50's 
A crowd watching some line dancing and some Texas two-stepping. 
The kids weren't left out of the fun as there were carnival rides to enjoy after getting your face painted.
Another really nice Chevy pickup.

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