
A trip to Nimes....

A few weeks ago we finally visited Nimes which during the Roman era was a very important city. There are still remnants from that era but the town has also grown and expanded with some parts very modern. On the day we arrived the center of the city was buzzing with activity and the streets were full of people. I'm not sure if it's always this crowded but on this day they were having bullfights in the 2nd century Roman arena which is one of the best preserved in France. We had planned to tour the arena but since we weren't too interested in the bullfights we were content to walk those crowded streets and see the sights.

Many people were out shopping as well as having lunch outside while enjoying the many streetside musical and performance acts. Nimes draws in alot of tourists and those tourists were not in short supply as we saw quite a few buses emptying of people. Like many of our trips we often visit multiple areas in one day and Nimes was our last stop. Needless to say we didn't have nearly enough time to really take in all of the city which would probably require a full day.
These guys didn't just walk on these, they also danced.  I think they called this dance the "ankle break."  :-) 

This guy greets you as you're making your way to the Roman arena.
The heart of the city with the arena looming over it. 
Huge fountain near the entrance to the center of town.
While enjoying a cool drink at this cafe these musicians  dropped by to entertain. They performed a very good rendition of the Pink Panther theme song.
One of the many small shops in Nimes. 

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