

I started early this morning studying my French so now it's time to take a break from that before my mind blows a fuse. I've been working on verb tenses...present, past and future and right at this moment I don't know if I'm coming or going....:-) Lots of talking out loud trying to memorize and put together short and simple sentences....Rudy has a concerned look on his face sometimes when I do all of this talking to myself...don't worry boy,  just part of the learning process.

The valley here between the Luberon and Vaucluse ranges is a little damp this morning. Cloudy with occasional sprinkles that are putting a chill in the air that we haven't experienced in awhile. Rumor has it we might get some of that white, fluffy stuff falling from the sky next week....just in time for Christmas.

Hopefully....(I keep telling myself that I will) I will get out this weekend and take some photos of the Christmas displays in some of the towns in the area. I will take my new lense with me as well as my tripod because those night time photos are tricky. You don't want that camera to shake and you need a lense that opens wide to let enough light in. We'll see if I have any idea what I'm doing out there...the proof will be in the pictures I guess.

Oppede le Vieux
Oppede le Vieux
Church right below the ruins of Oppede le Vieux castle
Rummaging through some more of the photos I've taken during our roadtrips to sights never seen before.  I will post some of them and hopefully (fingers crossed) I will have some current ones to post after the weekend. Oppede le Vieux is a partially abandoned village perched high on a hilltop. The ruins of the castle are above the village. No place to park so you have to walk from a parking lot below the village and walk to get there. Then another nice walk up to the castle ruins with some great views once you arrive to the top.

The 14th century castle at Tarascon is very impressive and still in very good condition. We toured the many floors and rooms of the castle which was also used as a military prison in the 17th century.
Tarascon Castle on the Rhone River. Huge and impressive.
Tarascon - top of the castle looking across the Rhone River towards Beaucaire

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