
Have car, will travel.....

Photo from this morning on my way back from Mane. Photo taken between Mane and Apt. 
Another photo this morning out in the Vineyard. Feels like spring is in the air. 
Luckily my epic fueling blunder over the weekend did not result in a ruined engine. This morning I traveled with Alicia to Mane to switch vehicles and drive mine back to Villars. The mechanics flushed the fueling system of gasoline, put diesel in it and evidently it started right up. Alicia wasn't too happy with the outside of the car though. Seems that where we originally parked on Saturday had a nice, big tree towering over the car. Of course this tree happened to be a favorite resting area for a great number of birds and since the car didn't move for 3 days.......well, I think you get the picture.

It almost feels like spring outside today with lots of sunshine, a clear blue sky and no need for a coat. I would like to reattempt a trip to the mountains this coming weekend, minus any fueling mishaps.  Being without a car I have missed 2 days of french class and I'm sure I'll have alot of catching up to do tomorrow when I return.
On Monday I received some very bad news from back home. Jenifer Youngblood, a  former coworker of mine at FedEx in Joplin lost her life over the weekend in a tragic automobile accident.
Jenifer worked at Fedex until about 9 years ago when she left to have her first son. Since then she and her husband Rob welcomed another son into the world and everyone who knew her knows she showered those 2 boys with a great amount of love and affection.

It is hard to imagine the amount of grief and sorrow Rob and those 2 boys are going through right now. I know they're surrounded by many friends and family and they will need that support in the coming days and weeks ahead. Jenifer or "Jen" as most knew her by, was only 39 years old.

Jen and Rob following the birth of their 2nd son Caden, with proud brother Tanner close by. 

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