
A chorus outside....

Wednesday morning sunrise - 5 minutes earlier the colors were much more impressive.
I'm hearing lots of singing right outside my window this morning. The birds must be looking forward to another sunny and warm day because they are singing some happy tunes to each other. The entire area seems to be waking up after a long winter as there is a definite increase in people getting out and moving around. I've seen alot of people out in the vineyards pruning back the grapevines so they'll be ready for the new season.  Some planting of new vineyards as well as cherry and olive trees can be seen as you drive through the countryside.

Wednesday afternoon I decided to drive up into a small ridge just south and a little east from where we live. I've looked up into the area numerous times and imagined it would have some great views of the valleys below so finally it was investigation time. As it turns out the ridge runs south all the way into Apt and has some great views on either side. On this afternoon I spent most of my time on the northwest side, climbing down a short distance to get some photos of Villars. It's amazing how a change in elevation and angle can give you a different perspective of the areas all around you. I plan on spending some more time on the "ridge" as I'm sure there is a great amount of photo opportunities that I haven't yet discovered.

I'm usually up right before sunrise here just because I like getting a head start on the day. Or....it could be that we have a built in alarm clock by the name of Rudy who will stand at the edge of the bed at eye level and start giving out a clearing of the throat kind of sound. He mixes that sound with a heavy dose of impatience which tells you its time to go outside to take care of morning business. One morning this week while dog and owner were taking that morning walk we were treated to a very colorful sunrise. The sun hadn't yet made it to the horizon and there were just enough clouds to put on an impressive display. It was one of those sunrises that I decided needed capturing on the Canon so I hurried back to the house, picked up the camera and dropped off the dog and then back out again. In the short time it took me to do all of this the color in the eastern sky had completely changed and much of what was so impressive had quickly faded.  I guess I'm going to have to start carrying my camera with me on those early morning walks with Mr Rudy.

I think the weekend is supposed to be nice here, hopefully nice and warm with lots of that sunshine....might even have to get out that bottle of sunscreen.
On the "ridge" - remnants of an old orchard
In the valley - I don't think these are new grapevines as they seem too far apart..cherry or olive trees?? 
On the "ridge" - Villars in the center of the photo with the Vaucluse range in the distance 
Close up of Villars

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