

Thursday evening - rain clouds on the horizon.
Today is already Friday and it seems the week came and went very quickly. Lots of clouds and cooler temperatures the past few days with a few raindrops but no downpours yet. I've been planning on trying to get some moon photos but the clouds last night made that impossible so I'm hoping tonight we'll have a break in the clouds so I can at least attempt a few. Those lunar photos are quite tricky as you have to have the right shutter speed and aperture settings to even have a chance at getting anything of quality. When the moon is rising it does move quite quickly so a tripod is an absolute must or you will be left with one big round blur. Here's to hoping those clouds exit the valley for awhile, at least for the early part of the evening.

A couple of weeks ago we visited the small village of Maubec that sits on the western edge and in the shadows of the Luberon range. We had been within a mile of two of the town numerous times but had never stopped to take the walking tour. Maubec sits on a small and narrow ridge with an old wall still surrounding most of the village. The houses are very well taken care of with most being restored and in very good shape. The area is also known for its wine and vineyards dot the landscape below this quaint little town.
Road leading into Maubec
Residence in the middle of town.
I wanted to knock on the door of this place and ask for a tour. 
I'm sure they have some nice views on their back porch.
Clock tower in the middle of town
Clock tower. Part of the wall around the city built into the natural rock formations.
One of the roads through the village turns into this path as you exit the town.

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