
North trip: Part 2

Our trip last week to the north included many photo opportunities along the way and naturally I took advantage of them. I took so much video and photos that I filled up the memory card on my camera which is something I have never done before.

The region we explored is north and east of Mont Ventoux and the landscape is a little different from the south side where we live. The valleys are much narrower and the countryside just seemed a little greener. Also, the area is a little more remote with the valley we were in very prone to sudden and dangerous flash floods...luckily we chose a nice and sunny day to travel there... :-)

After traveling east of the village of Montbrun-les-Bains we turned around and headed back west for the second part of our journey which took us into the Toulourenc valley which flows, of course, the Toulourenc river. This "river" is more like a small stream but can flood suddenly during heavy rain... however on this day it was within its banks which made for a nice swim for Rudy.

Mont Ventoux with telephoto lens
Mont Ventoux - taken from same location with regular lens
Arched bridge spanning the Toulourenc river
Pasture and a freshly planted field of....your guess is as good as mine
A few small villages on the hillsides in this area with Brantes being one of the little towns we stopped and hiked around. Lots of narrow pathways and walkways as well as some nice views to the south.  A quiet and peaceful village, a little removed from the large tourist crowd....which is probably just how the 67 inhabitants of the place prefer it.
View back to the east 
Brantes - I think the walkway is wider than this house.
Faiencerie - A business that makes handmade decorative tiles 
Toulourenc valley below Brantes


North trip: Part 1

It was an early afternoon and we agreed that we would travel north but without deciding exactly where our little journey would take us. Sometimes those are the best trips where you just follow the winding roads and make a turn where the landscape looks the most inviting.

France is split up into 27 regions which in turn are divided into 101 departments. We live in the Vaucluse department and our trip took us into the Drome department which was unchartered territory for me. After making a northeast swing around the Vaucluse mountain range we continued north through the towns of St Christol and Sault.

Soon after Sault I noticed the roads getting a little more curvy and the valleys a little more narrow. The valley in Vaucluse that we live in is very wide...in some areas many miles wide. In this particular area of the Drome department the valleys were rarely a mile or so wide and the hills or mountains (take your pick) dropped off quickly into the valleys below. From photos I have seen in the past the Drome reminded me more of areas in certain parts of Switzerland and Austria.

We stopped briefly in the village of Montbrun-les-Bains which of course is another picturesque village situated on the side of a hill with the ruins of a 16th century castle above. The area also boasts some thermal springs in which people still come take their hot baths. :-)

After our brief stop we headed due east out of town on an even more narrow road that was loaded with curves and higher elevations. From the distance I could see what looked like a small village or hameau that was perched high on a hill with a deep valley below. When we arrived at this very little village called Barret-de-Lioure the views looking back west were very impressive. In the far distance we could see the outlines of Mont Ventoux and the valley below was almost an immediate drop straight down from this tiny village. No restaurants or shops in Barret-de-Lioure....just a snack and refreshment kind of store that was guarded by 2 very lazy looking goats by the door.

It was then time to head back west and continue towards a very narrow valley on the north side of Mont Ventoux. I'll write more about that leg of our journey later as well as post some photos of that part of our trip.

Above the tiny village of Barret-de-Lioure
Church - Barret-de-Lioure 
Hairpin turn ahead on the way to that tiny village in the distance
Almost a straight drop down to the valley below  
You can see a couple of places where the top of this hill has collapsed sending tons of earth and rock towards the valley. Not sure if it would be a good idea to build your dream home in this area.
The small village of  Reilhanette we passed through on this picture perfect day.



Castle ruins perched high above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse
The shaded center of town. 
The Sorgue river before it makes a left turn and enters the village 

One of the many restaurants that line the banks of the river
Last week I returned to the little village of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse which is a small town right next to the source of the Sorgue River. The river originates from a spring at the base of some towering cliffs which almost immediately turn into rapids as the water rushes down the narrow valley towards the village. The river does widen and gets a little calmer before it makes a sharp turn towards and through the town.

Since it was a relatively dry winter the force of the water coming from the spring wasn't as strong as normal but in many places it still put on quite a show. From the source to many points downstream you will see water gushing from cracks and fissures in the huge rocks that line the sides of the river. I did stick my hand in the water to check the temperature of the water about 1/4 mile downstream. Verdict: VERY COLD!

I've noticed more people the last few weeks out and about so that tells me the vacation and tourist season for the region is about to kick into high gear. People from all over the world come here for vacation with many renting houses and staying for at least 1 to 2 weeks. We recently traveled north to some new and uncharted territory which has become another favorite area of mine. I took a boatload of photos which I will upload and post with my next entry.
The pool or source of the spring. Since it was a dry winter the pool is not nearly as full as normal but still much higher than it was during my visit last fall. Downstream water is flowing from cracks in the rocks on both sides of the river. 
Just one of the many sources of water flowing from the earth immediately downstream from the spring.


Wind, rain and not much in between....

I know my camera has been collecting dust and cobwebs as of late so this morning I went out into the vineyard to snap a few photos of the VERY green landscape. The last few days those mistral winds have been relentless....not letting up for one minute. Then you get up one morning and all is very still...not even the slightest of a breeze. Since yesterday there has been a steady rain that is much needed in the area and already the greens are much more vibrant in the valley.

Today the clouds are spilling over the hilltops and threatening to cover the valley below but for now they seem to be suspended in mid air....deciding just where to go next. The grape vines have really taken off the last week and now are proudly showing off their "baby" grapes. I'm sure when the sun comes out again they will start to grow very rapidly which will make the farmers in the area very happy.

One afternoon last week I made a return visit to the village of Fountaine-de-Vaucluse which is next to the source of the Sorgue River. That source is one huge spring that comes up from a very large cave at the base of a cliff that is about 1/4 of a mile from the village. I will rummage through the many photos I took of the area and post some of them later this week.

Low hanging clouds hovering just above the valley
These "baby" grapes enjoying the rain this morning


It's been awhile.....

Yes, it has been awhile since my last post and I know I have been dragging my feet the last few days. Actually the camera hasn't had much of a workout the last week or so as the weather has been very uncooperative. Lots of clouds, wind and a little rain have zapped some of my picture taking initiative but hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things. The last few days have been much better so hopefully the weekend will provide some photo opportunities for the camera and me. 

A little over a week ago we made the short drive up onto the ridge that sits just south and east of here. It's takes maybe 5-10 minutes to get to where we parked the car to begin our walk with Rudy. It's a nice area with some good places to hike around as well as enjoy some of those panoramic views in just about every direction. I have posted some of those photos below.

The moon is supposed to be the closest to the earth than at any other time this year,  tomorrow (Saturday) night. If the clouds stay away I hope to find a high spot to set my camera and tripod up in order to catch Mr Moon when he makes his appearance on the horizon. Good thing it's not tonight because clouds have been building this afternoon and it looks like rain....again. 

We stopped to talk with an older man who lived in a one room rock house on the ridge.  Naturally Rudy made friends very quickly with both his cats.
Looking down into the valley and towards the eastern part of the Luberon range.
Another view of the valley below
A healthy looking wheat field with the Vaucluse range in the distance. 
That one room rock house I mentioned. The garden already planted and if you look closely at the tree in the middle you will see cat number 2.  Rudy had just introduced himself to this cat....the cat was not impressed. 
Cat number 2....ready for Rudy to exit the immediate area.
I have no idea what kind of old piece of machinery this is.  I think though,  that with a little grease and some paint it would be as good as new. 
An abandoned house...possibly used by hunters during hunting season.