
Our eastern trip.....

The river below as it flows into the lake. Beaches on both sides and lots of canoe and paddle boat renters on the water. 
View from the winding road above. 
Those rocky cliffs on both sides were used as diving platforms into the deep turquoise water below.

Pedal power!!!  
Mustiers-Sainte-Marie in the distance.
The plateau with a recently harvested lavender field on the left and a wheat field on the right.  
From the plateau we chased the sun on our way back home.
A little over a week ago we returned to an area we had visited last November. Quite a difference between winter and summer and not just with the weather. The areas we traveled to were the Verdon Gorge, Mustiers-Sainte-Marie and an impressive plateau just east of this region. Of course with the tourist season in high gear there were thousands of people enjoying all that this part of France has to offer.

The Verdon Gorge is a river canyon that cuts and winds through limestone rocks as it flows into a manmade lake called Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon. This very deep canyon attracts rock climbers, tourists and also those who swim and boat in the lake the river flows into. Just north of the gorge and lake is the town of Mustiers-Sainte-Marie which I'll write more about during my next entry. The plateau is just as impressive as it is a flat area that rises up from the surrounding hills and valleys. A great amount of lavender and wheat is grown on the plateau which contrasts with the surrounding countryside.

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