
The Calanques-Part 2

View of Mediterranean Sea from a trail in the Calanques. In the foreground is the opening of one of the many inlets the area is famous for.
During our recent trip south to the Mediterranean Sea we visited an area called the Calanques. After hearing alot about this part of France and seeing photos it was good to finally see with my own eyes. The beach we hiked to was nice but small so we spent most of the time there on the rocky ledges on both sides of the inlet that run from the sea to the beach. It was a short hike to the ledges that were very good for jumping into the very clear and refreshing water below us.

This part of France continues to cook in a heatwave that has seen temperatures the last few days hovering right around 100 degrees. The mistral winds which the area is famous for have been virtually non existent and they would be welcome to return at anytime.

Saturday we returned to an area that we last visited in November of last year which was quite different this time around. We made the almost 2 hour drive east to Moustiers St Marie and the Gorges du Verdon region. In November we pretty much had the area to ourselves but now at the height of the tourist season we shared the area with thousands of others. The camera got a good workout and I'll upload those photos in my next post.

One of the many excursion boats that floated into the inlet. 

The rocky ledge near the opening to the Mediterranean. 
Those rocks made for good diving boards. 

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