
A bridge....a really old bridge.

On Friday after most of the day studying French I decided it was time to get out of the house and take a roadtrip before the sun set for the day. It had been an extremely windy day but I decided to brave the elements and see if I could find something interesting to point my camera at. With Alicia and Rudy acting as my co-pilots we headed out for the small villages of Lacoste and Bonnieux which are only about a 20 minute drive from the house.

I knew there was and old Roman bridge in the area north of Bonnieux so that was my destination of choice. As it turns out I had driven by this bridge a few times before but had never looked in the direction where it stands. Named Pont Julien this stone arch bridge was completed in 3 BC and served as one of the main links from Italy to Spain and parts of what is now France. The blocks of limestone for the span had to be cut precisely as no mortar was used when built.
Pont Julien was open to regular vehicle traffic until a new bridge was completed in 2005. Not many bridges can boast being used for 2000 years and one must admit....those Romans sure knew how to build things to last.

Pont Julien 

After admiring this Roman architecture we pointed the car in the direction of the village of Lacoste. Since daylight was fading fast there wasn't alot of leisure time, but I knew I wanted to get some photos of Bonnieux which sits on the opposite side of the valley from Lacoste. These 2 villages are both perched on hilltops separated by a valley below, seemingly staring at each other as they have for hundreds of years.

After getting a few professional grade photos (Ha!) it was back in the car, a drive down into the valley and then the ascent into Bonnieux. By the time we arrived the sun had pretty much given up for the day so not many photo opportunities but still some nice views for us.

Today we decided to venture eastward into the French Alps which is about a 2 plus hour drive. The sites were spectacular and the weather was....well, COLD! As we climbed in elevation we started seeing more of that white stuff on the ground and even some falling from the sky. Cars meeting us on the highway going in the opposite direction were covered in snow which gave us a hint of things to come. I will share more about our trip today as well as some photos sometime next week.
Lacoste Mairie - "Town Hall" 
View of Bonnieux from Lacoste
Another view of Bonnieux from Lacoste
Telephoto of a house in the valley. The hedge trimmer is very talented. :-)


Hog heaven......

Finally caught up with my landlord and friend Bernard today after a week or so of not running into each other. Bernard speaks a little English and since I speak a little French we have no problem communicating...:-)
Bernard was in his barn working on the result of his latest hunting trip....butchering a wild hog. The hills and valleys in this region are full of deer, rabbit and wild boar. I often hear gunshots ringing out from the hills and valleys in all four directions. There have been evenings walking the dog out in the vineyard that I   have heard what sounds like a hog or hogs close by....not sure if they would attack a defenseless man and his dog, but I usually don't hang around too long to find out.
Getting back to Bernard, he shared some ribs of the hog with me and now they are soaking in some French wine. Alicia has been researching the internet on the best way to prepare this culinary delight and she thinks she's got it all figured out.

I haven't snapped many photos the last few days but I still have my backlog that I have taken that are filling up my hard drive. Around a month ago we headed south of Apt up into the Luberon range to try and find a place for Rudy to run and get some exercise. We stumbled upon what seemed to be an abandoned hamlet called Buoux. Only a few buildings in this little wooded valley surrounded by tall cliffs  with a nice stream running through it. Not sure why it is abandoned but it did appear that the area would be a prime candidate for flash floods during heavy rains.

There are some nice trails in this valley and from what I understand the cliffs are used by professional rock climbers, which I will never be. The stream that runs through the middle of the area is clear and cold. We did find one place under a roman arched bridge that Rudy was able to take a dip in.

I have been experimenting with taking photos of the stars at night out in the vineyard. The evenings are very dark here with very little man made light in the valley. The stars seem much brighter than what I remember back home, but maybe I just gaze up at them more here. I'm getting close to capturing for me what would be presentable to post,  but not quite there yet. I have adjusted the aperture on the camera, shutter speed...you name it. When I get it just right I will post some photos of those famous French stars for all to marvel at.

BUOUX - Ghost town
Another view of the cliffs above  
Rudy enjoying a nice swim and waiting for a stick to be tossed in the water...he likes to fetch, sometimes. 

The small and COLD stream running through this little valley.


Recovery mode....

Another Christmas has come and gone and today I'm still feeling like I'm in recovery....from eating too much on Christmas Eve. We traveled to Monteux on Christmas Eve to celebrate with Alicia's daughter and her family which included opening presents, listening to music and eating...(lots of eating.) In France many families get together on Christmas Eve and have many different meals during the evening. This included appetizers, then more appetizers, then the main meal and later dessert. Like I said, this goes on throughout the evening spilling over into the early morning. It's about a 45 minute drive to Monteux and we finally arived back home at 4:00 a.m. Needless to say Christmas Day I did not rise early and the rest of the day was a very lazy one for me. 

It was a very good time with lots of great food and the girls really enjoyed their presents. We also had a surprise visit from Santa Claus himself. Turns out Santa was knocking on the wrong apartment door but he did stay long enough to ask the girls if they had been good or bad this year.....they both insisted they had been extremely good the past year. He took them at their word and many presents were opened soon after he had departed for his many deliveries. 

Twas my first Christmas away from my family back home in Missouri and naturally I had some Christmas homesick feelings. Mom always has the house decorated very nicely and it usually is full with my 3 sisters and their families. This year as always dad made his world famous pancakes complete with fried eggs, sausage and bacon. Although I ate enough for a family of 5 here, I think I could have found room for that as well. 

"Yes Santa, I've been VERY good this year, as for my sister, well............"
I spent some time late this afternoon out in the vinyard behind where we live. I took some photos of the east end of the Vaucluse range which towers over the northern side of the valley we live in. I've taken quite a few pics of this range since arriving here and often see hang gliders taking off from the top of the range and slowly gliding to the valley below. It looks like a lot of fun and I'm sure the views while gliding are tremendous....just not sure I'll be doing that anytime soon...but, you never know...:-) 
Looking northeast towards the Vaucluse range earlier this month.
Late this afternoon...daylight fading quickly.


Happy Christmas Eve Day....

A sunny but EXTREMELY windy morning here in the valley. Just came back from a walk with Rudy and the wind makes it feel much colder than the actual temperature. Hopefully those winds will ease up a little as the day progresses. I imagine there are some last minute shoppers out who are not enjoying fighting these "brisk" gusts from mother nature.

For the past couple of weeks I think I've listened to just about every Christmas cd in my arsenal (I have many.) I enjoy them all but I probably like most the compilations and of course, my Dean Martin Christmas cd. :-)

We did get out last night and made the short trip into Apt to try and take some pics of the Christmas lights. There weren't as many as I thought there might be. Since I'm still in the development stage of taking night photos the results were not as good as I hoped they might be. I still might be able to get some "perfect" shots before they all come down after Christmas.

Santa and his reindeers making a pit stop in Apt..Santa was having a drink in a nearby coffee shop. 
A holiday greeting at the entrance of Apt center town. 
Today we travel to see Alicia's daughter and her family for Christmas dinner this evening. I've promised I won't stuff myself with all the great food that will laid out before my eyes. Not sure if I can keep that promise....it will be a "game time" decision I imagine. I hope everyone enjoys the season no matter where you are or what you're doing.


A fine day in southern France....

What a difference a day makes. I awakened yesterday morning and looked out the window at some very large and fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky. The snow was then replaced by sprinkles which froze on top of maybe an inch of snow. Today that snow has disappeared, the sun is shining and all that is needed is a light jacket when I'm outdoors.

I got my first taste of cold temperatures here over the weekend. Saturday wasn't too bad but Sunday was a different story. The wind was blowing from the north at it was one of those winds that seemed to cut right though you. Not sure what the wind chill was but it was way below my comfort level. My last French class until the new year is tomorrow. Everyone is bringing something for an end of the year mini party and I am not to be outdone. I'm bringing Coke, Sprite and milk to help wash down all the expected baked goods that everyone else will bring. It will be the last day of the only other American in the class, Michael. He and his wife are moving to Montpellier and I will miss him as well as his help in the class. He has been in France since April and his French speaking and writing skills are much more advanced than mine. I wish him the best and I know he will be successful whatever he choses to do in France.

Over the weekend we made the short drive to L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue about 30 minutes west of here. In the center of town the Sorgue river slowly meanders past many nice shops and waterside restaurants. In warmer months all of these shops and restaurants are full of people vacationing from all over the world. The town is also well known for its many antique shops and you'll find many people shopping at the antique markets on most Sundays. I imagine the colder weather kept some people indoors Saturday night, but there were still those who braved the elements who got out to enjoy the Christmas lights and displays.

Restaurant at L'Isle-sur-la-sorgue. Most of the dining was indoors on this cold evening. 
Nice display on the water.  (Much too cold to swim out and claim my gift.) 
A colorful and well lit shop in the town.
I will try to post again before Christmas with some more photos of the light displays in the area. I hope you enjoy the photos I post on here from time to time. I enjoy taking them and sharing them with anyone who might take a wrong turn and end up on my blog....:-) Photos on this posting are from Saturday night...this "photographer" had some frozen hands and fingers after these photos were taken....maybe I need to buy myself a pair of gloves......or, maybe Santa will bring me a pair...:-)



I started early this morning studying my French so now it's time to take a break from that before my mind blows a fuse. I've been working on verb tenses...present, past and future and right at this moment I don't know if I'm coming or going....:-) Lots of talking out loud trying to memorize and put together short and simple sentences....Rudy has a concerned look on his face sometimes when I do all of this talking to myself...don't worry boy,  just part of the learning process.

The valley here between the Luberon and Vaucluse ranges is a little damp this morning. Cloudy with occasional sprinkles that are putting a chill in the air that we haven't experienced in awhile. Rumor has it we might get some of that white, fluffy stuff falling from the sky next week....just in time for Christmas.

Hopefully....(I keep telling myself that I will) I will get out this weekend and take some photos of the Christmas displays in some of the towns in the area. I will take my new lense with me as well as my tripod because those night time photos are tricky. You don't want that camera to shake and you need a lense that opens wide to let enough light in. We'll see if I have any idea what I'm doing out there...the proof will be in the pictures I guess.

Oppede le Vieux
Oppede le Vieux
Church right below the ruins of Oppede le Vieux castle
Rummaging through some more of the photos I've taken during our roadtrips to sights never seen before.  I will post some of them and hopefully (fingers crossed) I will have some current ones to post after the weekend. Oppede le Vieux is a partially abandoned village perched high on a hilltop. The ruins of the castle are above the village. No place to park so you have to walk from a parking lot below the village and walk to get there. Then another nice walk up to the castle ruins with some great views once you arrive to the top.

The 14th century castle at Tarascon is very impressive and still in very good condition. We toured the many floors and rooms of the castle which was also used as a military prison in the 17th century.
Tarascon Castle on the Rhone River. Huge and impressive.
Tarascon - top of the castle looking across the Rhone River towards Beaucaire


A full weekend....

Alicia with Rudy after his brief swim in the lake
le tang de la Bonde
"Hey Bud, I think I've figured out your vision problem."
Sheep, sheep and more sheep
 Yes, a full weekend of seeing and photographing the areas we traveled to.  Once again, the weather cooperated quite nicely and gave us another very nice 2 days to get out and enjoy.
Mane - photo taken in the wooded hills just south of the town. (Smoke drifting in the valley below.) 
Saturday we traveled to Mane and Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire which is about 45 minutes east of where we live. We just happened to arrive in Saint-Michel right when they were starting a small Christmas program featuring some kids from the area. The kids performed some singing and dancing for those in attendance while Santa watched with approval. From Saint-Michael I took some photos to the east and you can clearly see the beginnings of the French Alps with some fresh snow on the peaks of the mountains.

In Mane we didn't have any particular place to go or see so we just took our time to check the area out. We took some roads just to see where they would take us and to find out what was just around the next corner or over the next hill. Our dog Rudy particularly enjoyed seeing the flock of sheep in a pasture close to town....he wanted very badly to get out of the car and play with (chase) them. I declined his request..:-)

Santa's helpers putting on a show in Saint-Michel-l'Obervatoire
Sunday we loaded up Rudy again and headed south over the Luberon Mountains. We passed through Lourmarin and Cucuron and ended up stopping at a very nice lake called l'e tang de la Bonde.  L'e tang in French means pond but in the U.S. we would call this "pond" a small lake. Whatever its proper name it was very nice and the water was very clear. By afternoon it had warmed up nicely and many people were out walking with their families. I would like to say that we walked Rudy but since this was a new area for him he mostly walked us instead. He did enjoy drinking and taking a dip in the clear and cold water....he loves to be in the water no matter what the temperature is.

From Saint-Michel looking east towards the French Alps
Rudy isn't the only one who likes to swim in this crystal clear lake
"Chateau" on the lake
Well, time for me to study my French as I have class tomorrow. I'm planning on getting out one of these evenings to take some photos of the Christmas lights in Apt and Villars. Night photos are still difficult for me, but similar to my french speaking ability I am slowly getting better....at least I hope I am.


Raindrops falling on my head....

Dodging a few raindrops here today in the valley. I was actually up early this morning and was treated to a nice sunrise and even a rainbow.

Today is a day off from my French class in Cavaillon so I've been doing some house chores and of course studying to the best of my ability. I can actually say I'm learning everyday but of course not as quickly as I would like. Most in the class can speak some French so I'm playing catch up at this point.
There is one other American in the class and he is light years ahead of me in his knowledge of the language. He's been in France since April and he along with my instructor have been a big help in my quest to learn.

Our class is located right in the heart of Cavaillon where they are doing some major work on the streets and walkways. It should be really nice when it is completed according to the artist drawings I have seen. Cavaillon is a town of about 25,000 and has alot of people moving in and out of the center of the city during the day.  It has a number of nice, older buildings and with a little work the center part could be even better.

I'm getting close to my 4 month anniversary since arriving here and of course  there have been many good times and sights to see, as well as the expected feelings of homesickness from time to time. Just a total lifestyle kind of change that I imagine everyone goes through when moving to a foreign country....probably a little harder for an old guy like me...:-)

Looking forward to getting out and seeing some of the Christmas decorations in the many villages and towns in and around the valley. Apt has some very nice holiday lighting and I hear many others do the same. I'll try to get some photos and share them on here when I do get out and experience Christmas in France.

I've opened up the photo vault of all the pictures I have taken since arriving here and sharing a few now. Hopefully along with my language skills, my photography skills will also improve the more I work at it. Below are some photos of Gordes taken in October of this year. Gordes is a city built on a rocky hill with some spectacular views overlooking the Luberon Valley.
It is no wonder this city perched on rocky cliffs is a popular tourist destination as it has many nice shops, restaurants, architecture and those great vistas of the valley below.
Gordes basking in the late afternoon sunlight


December already??

Hard to believe I've been in France for over 3 months now with Christmas just right around the corner. My job back in the states required many long hours during the holiday season, one in which I ended up wishing the season to be over with. It will be different this year and quite the adjustment for me...I think I can handle it...:-)

Finally getting serious about learning the French language as I have classes now 3 days a week in Cavaillon which is about a 35-40 minute drive from here. I must admit I have struggled mightily in my quest to learn the language. The gender of masculine and feminine for French words has been particularly hard for me but I am learning, slowly. I have a new appreciation for those who have taken on and learned a new language, not to mention those who have learned numerous languages.

Roman theatre in Arles

Roman arena in Arles dating back to 1st century B.C.  

Castle in Tarascon - constructed in the 1400's

View from the top of the castle in Tarascon. Looking south on the Rhone river
Since arriving here in August of this year I've taken countless photos and visited many interesting and historical places. It would take years I think to run out of places to see and things to do, and that's just in the region that we live in now. I have posted a few of those photos in this entry and will post more in the coming days and weeks.


One of the many little shops in Moustiers Sainte-Marie

We ended the day by spending an hour or so in the town of Moustiers Sainte-Marie. Like many towns in the region it is built on a hill next to some towering cliffs. A stream with a waterfall runs right through the heart of the village.
 There were many people there like us just walking the streets, visiting the nice shops and enjoying an evening out. Definitely worth your time to visit this area.

Rock formation overlooking Les Mees

The weather the last few days has been much nicer so Friday the wife and I....plus our dog Rudy took a roadtrip east of here into Alpes de Haute Provence. One of the towns we visited was Les Mees which interested us because of its unusual looking rock formation that towers over the town. The formation which is caused by erosion has a more interesting legend as to its origins. The legend says that the rocks are a line of monks who were petrified for having impure thoughts. Best to have pure thoughts while visiting Les Mees... :-)

Plateau de Valensole looking east

From Les Mees we headed south and then east, our car winding up some very curvy and steep hills and then finally arriving to Plateau de Valensole. The landscape on the plateau was wide open with mostly flat and gently rolling farmland. To the distance we could see the mountains which provided a pretty contrast to this vast plateau. I'm not sure what the altitude difference was from Les Mees but it was much cooler and lots of wind on the plateau. We were treated to some other nice sights on our day trip which I will post soon.

A girl being chased by a "vicious"  le chien (dog) in Vaison La Romaine

Newly in France

The time has flown since I first set foot on French soil almost 3 months ago. I knew I was in for a life changing experience and was ready for it....in most ways. Not really knowing much of the French language has been my biggest challenge and frustration. I am working on my French daily but I know it will be a long process, but I am determined to persevere.... :-)